In my long quest to find an easy flower knitting pattern I realized I had a couple of requirements:
1) MUST be easy enough to knit up quickly.
2) Must be knit in one piece and seamless (I really don't like seaming up little itty bitty pieces together)
3) Must look beautiful and not a child's craft project.
4) Must be a KNITTING PATTERN! (Not a crochet pattern)
I found out that there are a lot of patterns for crocheting, and even some knitting patterns that say they are knitting patterns but then when you read how to do the flower applique it switches to hooks and chains. This to me was frustrating, since I do not crochet and I refused to think that 2 needles had more limits than 1 hook. I found one pattern that I liked and so I have modified it slightly to have 8 petals and look fuller to share with the world. This pattern is very very easy!
Easy Flower Knitting Pattern For Knitters Only! Not Crocheters
(This pattern is for the blue flower shown above only! Not the red flower shown below)
- 6.0mm (US10) straight knitting needles
- Yarn, medium worsted weight, #4
- Yarn needle
- Flower is approximately 3 inches in diameter.
1) Cast on 56 sts.
2) K row.
3) *K1, BO 5 sts leaving last st on right needle. Repeat * to end. (16 sts).
4) Cut yarn leaving an 8 inch tail.
5) With yarn needle thread tail through all remaining sts and pull tightly. Securely tie off and cut any ends.
6) To get it to lay flat I push all the petals through the holes so that they are all facing the same direction.
I have also designed a beautiful flower and leaf pattern to knit (I repeat knit, not crochet!) shown below in Cranberry Red yarn. Wonderful for embellishing sweaters and scarves (and oh so cute on baby hats) where it won't flop over on you. It is approx. 4 inches in diameter. If you would like the flower and leaf pattern directly e-mailed to you asap (in pdf format), just click on the button below the pictures.

get flower and leaf pattern